The Pandemic has not only impacted the functioning of the existing business functions causing stress in the employment functions and opportunities in the economy, but it has also been responsible for the retrenchment and layoff of close to 20 million people in the country because the companies and the business conglomerates have been unable to generate sufficient revenue for paying off their permanent employees. Thus it identifies and looks at as an alternative that the prospective candidates and the employees can employ as part-time professionals who can work on a freelancing basis for which they would charge a separate commission, fees, or salary depending upon the income structure of the place where they are employed and the subsequent functioning of the duties and responsibilities of the prospective candidates. Following considerations must be kept in mind before hiring a part-time employee in your organization-
Prepare a clear job description
Job Description refers to the activities and the functions. For example- You are looking to employ a professional for a managerial job in your organization in the Marketing Department. While employing that person you must mention the activities that associate with the job portfolio including the functions that the manager has to perform and the departments of the enterprise which would be under him.
Promote flexibility in the working pattern
The part-time employee is not excited and thrilled by the challenges. The organization has to offer through the functioning of the decisive elements of the work culture. It becomes very difficult for the employer to generate motivation and high morale among the workforce. For example- an employer of the automobile industry employs an engineer on a part-time basis. If he is unable to work in a free-flowing environment, the rigidity would choke him up and he would not be able to perform to the best of his potential under such conditions.
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Offer attractive benefits
Benefits are what drives the motivation process in an organizational environment. If you are unwilling to provide incentives that may either be monetary or non-monetary, the employees would not incline to work under your directions and command as they would feel that you are not appreciating their work ethics since you are not rewarding them enough. Monetary Incentives and Benefits include Yearly Bonus and Increase in the pay package of the employees.
Be open for students
The organization should be open to offers from students who have recently completed their formal education and are looking to work in a professional environment where they can gain the requisite amount of experience which would hold them in good stead in the future. Moreover, the inclusion of students in the organization would garner fresh thoughts and innovative ideas that would subsequently lead to the organization’s prosperity.
Don’t overlook the unemployed
Finally, you must be open to employing the unemployed professionals in our organization. An evaluation of their skill would give you the idea of whether they can contribute positively to your organization.
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