Improve your business’s digital present by following these tips

Improve your business’s digital presence by following these marketing tips

Whether your business is big or small, you want to create a strong digital presence. It doesn’t matter if your business is brick-and-mortar or entirely online — you want potential customers to find you and interact with you. This includes not just your website but also social media. Today, I’m going to share seven tips that will help you improve your digital presence using marketing strategies.

Create a business website

Creating a business website is one of the first steps toward improving your digital presence. It’s an opportunity to show off your brand, explain its mission and values, and provide information about how it can help potential customers.

Make sure that you’re regularly updating your website with new content! This will help keep your site fresh and relevant in the eyes of potential clients.

Have a presence on social media

Having a social media presence is important for any business, but it’s especially important for small businesses. Social media is an opportunity to show your customers that you’re real people and not just some faceless corporation. It also lets them connect with you on a personal level and feel like they’re part of the team.

Don’t be afraid to share your experiences and photos about your company’s culture, healthy work environment or employees! This will help make your followers feel like they’re part of something bigger than just a product or service—they’ll feel like they’re part of a community.

Social media is also an excellent place to showcase your products or services in action. You can post videos showing how they work or even create contests where users submit photos/videos of themselves using them (this works particularly well if your product involves some sort of creative process).

By following these simple tips, you’ll be able to build up your digital presence and reach out directly to potential customers on platforms they already use every day!

Engage with your customers on social media

One of the best ways to improve your business’s digital presence is by engaging with your customers on social media.

You can do this by responding to questions, comments, and concerns from your customers promptly. You should also share new products, exclusive deals, and other information that will interest your followers.

In addition to providing helpful content, you should also be sure that you are posting regularly on social media. Your followers will want to see updates from you, so make sure that you are posting at least once a week if not more frequently than that.

Use digital advertising

Digital advertising is one of the best ways to improve your business’s digital presence. You can do it through social media, Google AdWords, and other similar platforms.

Digital advertising is an essential part of any successful marketing plan because it allows you to reach a large audience with just a few clicks. It’s also relatively inexpensive compared to other forms of advertising, so there’s no reason not to give it a try!

Use emails to market your business

Email marketing is one of the most effective and affordable ways to reach your target audience. Emails are sent directly to a customer’s inbox, and they’re typically the first thing people see when they open their email accounts in the morning. When used correctly, email marketing can help you build relationships with customers, increase sales and grow your customer base.

To take advantage of this powerful marketing tool, follow these tips:

1. Use an email service provider (ESP) or build a custom solution that allows you to design templates for different types of emails with different content fields. This will allow you to create personalized messages based on customer preferences or past purchases.

2. Create an editorial calendar that includes topics and dates for sending emails based on when they’re most likely to be read by customers (such as holidays).

3. Use analytics tools such as Google Analytics or MailChimp Analytics so that you can track which types of messages perform best for each group of subscribers so that you can do more of what works well for them next time around!

Since more people are using the internet every day to make purchases, it’s important to have a good web presence if you want your business or company to succeed. You can improve your digital presence by following these marketing tips and making sure that you’re getting listed in major search engines like Google. Success doesn’t happen overnight, but with a good digital presence, you’ll be well on your way to improving how people see and understand your business.
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What brands get wrong about storytelling — and how to do it right

What brands get wrong about storytelling — and how to do it right

Stories compel our brains. Stories connect us, the world around us, and our past. Stories help define who we are. Human beings live by stories. Stories are the key to everything, and brands understand that marketing to a human involves appealing to the subconscious mind through storytelling. Stories are essential to human culture, and it’s only recently that we’ve come to work them out in place of data, figures and lists — they’re what make us purchase, believe in something or even do something. So why do brands keep getting storytelling wrong? And how can we get this right? Let’s dive right into this.

There are many things that brands get wrong when it comes to storytelling. 

Here are the most common mistakes brands make

1. Telling irrelevant stories

They don’t tell stories in a way that’s relevant to their audience. People want to hear from brands that make them feel like they’re being spoken to personally, not like they’re hearing a corporate-sounding lecture.

2. Not Understanding the needs & desires of the audience

They don’t understand their audience’s needs and desires well enough to tell meaningful stories that resonate with them personally

3. Not knowing how much to serve

They don’t know how much of their story they should tell at one time, they either tell too much at once (and leave people hanging) or too little at once (and leave people wondering).

4. They try too hard to fit into someone else’s narrative

One of the biggest mistakes brands make is not finding ways to frame their own story in ways that will inspire others as well.

5. Using too many characters or plots

If you’re trying to tell your story through an animated video or infographic, consider keeping it simple and focusing on one character or plotline at a time. Having multiple characters or plots can confuse your audience and lead them away from the main message of your video/infographic.

6. Too much jargon

When telling your story in text format (as in an email newsletter), be sure not to use too much jargon or industry-specific terms that aren’t familiar to all of your readers. Your goal should be for anyone who reads it to understand everything—not just those who are familiar with your industry!

The best brands tell compelling stories in a way that makes their audiences feel like they’re part of them.

Now here’s how you can do it right

Tell one story at a time

The first thing that many brands get wrong about storytelling is that they try to tell too many stories at once. This may seem like it makes sense at first glance—after all, why wouldn’t you want to tell as many stories as possible? But in fact, this can be extremely detrimental to your brand’s success.

When you’re trying to build trust with an audience or get them excited about something, they need time to invest in those feelings before they can fully understand why they should buy from you. Trying to tell too many stories at once will confuse them and make them feel overwhelmed by all of the information coming at them all at once—and that isn’t going to help you sell anything!

If you want people to respond well to your messaging and marketing efforts, then you need to focus on just one story at a time. Your audience will appreciate being able to follow along with one piece of content before moving on to another one; this helps them understand what kind of messages they might receive from other

Use your brand’s character to tell a story over time

Your brand has a character or personality, whether or not you’ve defined it. You need to take time to figure out what this character looks like and sounds like so that you can speak directly to your audience in a way that feels authentic. 

Think beyond the product launch or promotion

When it comes to storytelling, brands often get caught up in product launches or promotions. They forget that the most essential part of their story is the emotional connection they make with their customers.

The best way to do this is by creating content around your brand’s values and mission. For example, if you’re a luxury brand, your content should be about how you deliver luxury in every aspect of your business—from how you treat your employees to how you design your products. If you’re an eco-friendly brand, your content should be about how you are working to make the world a better place through sustainable practices. By sharing stories like these, consumers feel more connected with the brand and understand why they’re buying what they buy.

Encourage your audience to co-create stories with you

Your audience is ready to co-create a story with you. They want to tell their stories, too—but they can’t do it alone. They need your help.

When you’re telling a story, it’s important to remember that you don’t have the whole thing mapped out from start to end. Instead, you’re telling a tale that doesn’t yet exist—a story that will grow and change as the listener reacts and participates. You’ll be surprised by what happens next. And so will they!

Think of stories as activation tools for your audience

One of the most common mistakes brands make when using storytelling is to forget that it’s a tool. It’s not about you; it’s about your audience.

A good story will make your audience feel like they are part of an exciting adventure, and that adventure is about them. It should have a clear beginning, middle, and end, with a satisfying conclusion—but what matters most is what happens in between those beats.

A great way to do this is to ask yourself: “what does my audience want?”

The best stories are ones that help people achieve their goals and live their dreams, so if you can tell your audience exactly how they can do this through your brand or product or service—then you’ve got a winner on your hands!

Don’t create content for content’s sake. Create an experience

There’s a lot of content out there. It’s a fact. And if you’re trying to compete for attention in this oversaturated space, it can feel like you’re spending all your time just trying to create enough content—not necessarily making the kind of content that’s going to help you stand out from the crowd.

But here’s the thing: creating an experience is more than just creating content. It’s about creating something that people will want to engage with and share, which means it has more to do with how you’re telling your story than what story you’re telling.

What you should have taken away from this article is that storytelling is vital to every business, and why your brand needs to be telling stories as much as possible. From social media posts to blog articles, to advertising materials, your brand needs good storytelling if it wants to stand out.