How to Reshape Your Company Through Digital Transformation

Revisiting Your Contracts: What to Look for and How to Approach Renegotiation

Inflation can pose difficulties for SMEs, particularly in terms of managing rising costs. Revisiting and renegotiating your contracts is an effective approach to keep costs under control and improve your company’s financial health. But where do you start? Let’s dive into the key contract clauses to review and effective strategies for approaching renegotiation discussions.


Key Contract Clauses to Review:


When reviewing your contracts, focus on the following essential provisions to uncover cost-saving opportunities:


  1. Pricing Structure: Investigate how prices are determined and whether they account for inflation. Consider changing the pricing terms to a more attractive agreement.
  2. Payment conditions: Consider payment conditions such as scheduling, discounts for early payments, and penalties for late payments. Negotiate terms that will improve your cash flow.
  3. Termination Clauses: Examine the contract’s termination clauses for any opportunity to terminate or modify the agreement early, allowing you to seek more cost-effective alternatives.
  4. Volume savings: Look for clauses that provide savings for larger order quantities. Negotiate new discounts based on the current order size.
  5. Renewal Terms: Consider automatic renewal clauses. Determine whether to renegotiate terms before a contract is automatically renewed.
  6. Service Level Agreements (SLAs): If the contract includes SLAs, make sure they meet your current requirements. Adjust SLAs for services that are no longer required.


Strategies to Approach Renegotiation


Use the following tactics to successfully renegotiate your contracts:


  1. Gather Market Data: Look into existing market prices and competition offers to make a case for renegotiation. Use this information during talks.
  2. Prepare your arguments: Clearly state your aims and grounds for renegotiation. Consider how adjustments benefit both parties.
  3. Start Conversations Early: Approach suppliers or service providers soon before the contract expires to enable time for discussions.
  4. Maintain Positive Relationships: Negotiations should be professional and constructive. To keep relationships intact, aim for win-win outcomes.
  5. Identify Alternatives: If discussions break down, be prepared to look into other suppliers or service providers. This may strengthen your position.
  6. Be Open to Compromise: Flexibility can result in greater outcomes. Determine where you’re willing to make concessions.
  7. Consider the Long-Term Impacts: Think about how changes will influence your firm in the future. Prioritize long-term cost savings.


Case Study: A Successful Contract Renegotiation


To demonstrate the impact of renegotiation, consider this case study:


Background: Inflationary pressures caused a tiny technology firm’s costs to rise, notably for cloud computing services. The company used a large provider and had a long-term contract in place.


Approach: The company performed market research and determined that alternative providers offered comparable services at a lesser cost. Armed with this information, they contacted their current provider to discuss renegotiations.


Negotiation Techniques: The firm sought a meeting to discuss pricing modifications and other terms. They supplied information on rivals’ prices and indicated how cutting expenses would allow them to retain their existing usage levels.


Outcome: The provider agreed to change the price structure, including offering bulk discounts and better payment terms. The company was able to cut its cloud computing costs by 20% while keeping the same provider.




Revisiting and renegotiating your contracts might result in significant cost savings for your SME. Focusing on crucial contract conditions and employing efficient negotiation methods can help your company achieve financial stability and growth. Remember, working collaboratively with your suppliers and service providers can result in mutually beneficial outcomes and stronger long-term relationships.

How to Reshape Your Company Through Digital Transformation

Why Building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is Your Secret Weapon for Business Success

Imagine pouring your heart and soul into creating a product only to discover after launch that it fails to resonate with your target audience. This is a hard reality for many firms, particularly start-ups. But what if there was a way to test the waters without committing major resources? Enter the minimum viable product (MVP).

What is an MVP?

Think of an MVP as the most basic version of your product that can nevertheless provide essential value to your target clients. It functions similarly to a prototype, allowing you to collect real-world input and improve on your concept before committing to a full-fledged product launch.

Why is an MVP important in business?

In today’s competitive environment, speed and agility are critical. Building an MVP provides numerous benefits for businesses of all sizes, particularly SMEs and startups:

Reduced Risk and Saved Resources: Creating a full-fledged product can require a large financial commitment. An MVP enables you to test your concept with limited resources, reducing the risk of investing money and time in an idea that may not appeal to your target market. Nielsen Norman Group studies reveal that 68% of new product ideas fail. Building an MVP might help to lessen this risk by proving your fundamental concept before making a substantial investment.

Early Customer Feedback: The actual test of a product is how successfully it answers customer problems. Creating an MVP allows you to get your product in front of real people early on. This vital input allows you to determine what works, what doesn’t, and which features customers genuinely value. This can save you the time and money spent developing features that no one wants.

Market validation: An MVP serves as a litmus test for your product idea. By measuring user interest and interaction with your MVP, you can learn whether your solution meets a true market need. This can help you avoid costly mistakes and stay on the right road.

Improved Product Development: The feedback you gather from your MVP can be used to refine and improve your product before a full launch. This ensures you’re building a product that truly meets the needs and expectations of your target market.

Creating Your MVP: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • Identify your core value proposition: What problem do you solve for your customers? What distinctive value does your product provide? Before you begin development, be sure you clearly explain this.
  • Prioritize features: Not all features are created equally. Identify the key elements that provide core value to your clients and prioritize their development in your MVP.
  • Develop and Launch: Concentrate on creating a simple, working version of your product that captures your primary value proposition. Remember, this isn’t about producing a polished finished product.
  • Gather feedback: Once launched, actively solicit input from your users via surveys, interviews, and user testing.
  • Iterate and Improve: Analyze customer feedback and use it to refine and improve your product. This iterative process is crucial for building a successful product.

Beyond the Basics: Interesting Facts and Insights on MVPs

  • Focus on Solvable Problems: According to Eric Ries, the author of the Lean Startup technique, any successful MVP must solve a well-defined customer pain point. Make sure your MVP addresses a real problem that your target market is willing to pay to fix.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: When developing and iterating your MVP, don’t rely exclusively on intuition. Use data from user involvement, website analytics, and surveys to make educated product development decisions.

Power of “Minimum”: Remember, the secret to an MVP is to keep it simple. Concentrate on essential functionality to avoid feature creep, which can bloat your product and cause delays in launch.